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Los Angeles Employment Lawyer

I'm Attorney Mohamed Eldessouky. If you need help resolving an employment dispute or recovering from an injury caused by another, don't hestitate to contact our office. Schedule Your Free Consultation Call (714) 409-8991
Attorney Mo Eldessouky

If your employer has violated your rights as an employee in California, contact attorney Mo Eldessouky today at 714-409-8991 or contact us about your case. We serve all of California and we are available to fight for you rights 24/7.

The Los Angeles employment attorneys at Eldessouky Law are here to help defend your rights as an employee. Attorney Mo Eldessouky has a long track record of success in recovering damages and defending the rights of employees.

Los Angeles Employment Lawyer, Mo Eldessouky
Los Angeles Employment Lawyer, Mo Eldessouky

At Eldessouky Law, we are committed to helping individuals who have been mistreated by their employers get the compensation they deserve. Our Los Angeles employment lawyers stand ready to help you assert your rights and ensure your employer is held accountable for any illegal or unethical behavior.

If you have questions about your rights as an employee in California, you should discuss your case with an attorney as soon as possible. Call our office at 714-409-8991 today or complete our online contact form to schedule your free consultation with our Los Angeles employment attorneys.

What Can a Los Angeles Employment Lawyer Do for Employees?

Los Angeles employment attorneys can represent employees who are facing workplace problems such as:

To properly help their clients, labor attorneys need to have a clear understanding of federal, state, and local employment laws and identify the relevant laws that apply to a given case. A skilled Los Angeles employment lawyer will be able to provide legal advice in their client’s best interests and effectively advocate for their client in negotiations, mediation, and litigation.

If your rights as an employee have been violated in Los Angeles, CA, contact Los Angeles employment attorney Mo Eldessouky today at 714-409-8991 or contact us about your case. We serve all of California and we are available to fight for you rights 24/7.

What Laws Protect Employees in Los Angeles?

Federal and California laws prohibit employers from subjecting their workers to certain discriminatory and retaliatory actions. 

There are many different laws protecting the rights of employees in Los Angeles and throughout California, including: 

These laws protect the rights of employees in California by prohibiting employers from taking certain types of discriminatory and retaliatory actions.

It’s Important to Find a Good Los Angeles Employment Lawyer Who Represents Your Interests

Los Angeles Employment Lawyer
Mohamed Eldessouky – Los Angeles employment lawyer

You will have many options when it comes to finding an employment lawyer in Los Angeles. It is important that you conduct your own research and choose a lawyer who will represent your interests and provide you with the best legal advice.

In order to successfully litigate against your employer, you will need to prove that the treatment, termination, or other employment dispute was unlawful. A good employment lawyer will be able to help you build a convincing case, and make sure that you are fairly compensated for any damages.

Proving that your employer has violated your rights can be a difficult process, and you should strongly consider speaking with an employment attorney before you file a complaint or lawsuit.

Your case’s success or failure could rely on the quality of legal representation you receive, so it is essential that you find a lawyer with experience who will be devoted to fighting for you. At Eldessouky Law, we are dedicated to getting great results for our clients.

How Can I Tell If My Employer Is Discriminating Against Me?

Discrimination in the workplace can affect your mental health and your ability to do your job properly. If we have evidence of discrimination, we can pursue a claim against your employer for emotional, physical, and financial harm and ensure you are fairly compensated for any damages.

Our Los Angeles employment lawyers have repeatedly helped victims get compensation for unfair labor practices such as:

If you don’t see your case type listed, it doesn’t necessarily mean an employment lawyer can’t help you. The best way to find out is by talking with a Los Angeles employment attorney who has extensive experience.

Do Employment Lawyers in Los Angeles Offer Free Consultations?

Most Los Angeles employment lawyers offer some kind of free consultation. This offers you the opportunity to speak with a lawyer without risk or cost, simply to gain information and ask questions.

Why? Most experienced employment lawyers want to work with their clients from the very start, so they offer a free consultation to demonstrate their commitment and explain the process before any fee agreements are signed.

A free consultation gives both the lawyer and the client an opportunity to meet each other, determine if they are a good fit for each other, and discover the unique facts of the case.

It’s a good idea to bring any documents related to your case that you have, as they help you lawyer get a full understanding of the situation. It’s also wise to prepare some questions for the lawyer, such as:

  • How long have you been practicing employment law?
  • What is the basis of your experience in handling similar cases?
  • How long do you think it will take to resolve my case?
  • What are the expected costs associated with legal help?

Once you have spoken to a lawyer and gained this information, it is easier for you to make decisions about how to move forward.

You can call our office at (714)-409-8991 or fill out one of our contact forms online to set up a free consultation with one of our Los Angeles employment attorneys to discuss your case. We will listen to your specific problems and provide legal advice on how best to move forward.

Dealing with an Employment Dispute?

Discuss your legal options with an attorney at Eldessouky Law

Get A Free Consultation

or, give us a ring at 714-409-8991.

How Can I Choose the Right Los Angeles Employment Lawyer?

You will have many options when it comes to finding an employment lawyer in Los Angeles. Your case’s success or failure depends heavily on the quality of your legal representation, so it is essential to find an experienced lawyer who is devoted to fighting for you.

The right lawyer for your case could come down to:

  • Thorough discovery. To successfully litigate against your employer, you must prove that the treatment, termination, or other employment dispute was unlawful. A good employment lawyer can help you build a convincing case by tracking down evidence before it is lost or destroyed.
  • Local knowledge. Most of us at Eldessouky Law consider ourselves true and proud Angelenos. Los Angeles offers diverse employment opportunities for people worldwide and is home to some of the world’s hardest-working people—like you and us.
  • Willingness to go to trial. As a full-service law firm, our attorneys are fully prepared to handle all aspects of litigation. Our success in the courtroom allows us to effectively advocate for our clients in negotiations, mediation, and trial.

During a free consultation, you can expect our lawyers to take sufficient time to get an understanding of your situation. We will likely ask questions about the details of your employment dispute and listen intently as you provide answers. We understand the stress that comes along with any kind of dispute in the workplace, so we want to know how we can make life easier for you while your case is pending.

How Much Will a Los Angeles Employment Lawyer Cost?

Each employment law firm operates differently and has different fee structures. It is important to ask about the fee when speaking with a lawyer in your free consultation.

The lawyer may require an initial retainer before taking your case, or they may charge on an hourly basis depending on their policy.

Depending on the specifics of your situation, you may encounter any of the following fee structures:

  • Flat fee: Employment law attorneys may charge a flat fee for a specific, straightforward service. For example, if all you need is help submitting an anonymous worker safety complaint to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, you may be charged a one-time flat fee that isn’t billed on an hourly basis. This fee structure is applied in legal situations that are routine.
  • Sliding scale: This fee model allows employment attorneys to charge different rates based on their clients’ income. Workers who earn less income pay less for a given service than those who earn more income.
  • Contingency fee: In a contingency arrangement, the client pays nothing upfront. Instead, the attorney’s fees are collected upon the successful resolution of the legal matter at hand. Usually, the lawyer’s rate is calculated as a fixed percentage of the total compensation award that the client receives, however, it is possible that a lawyer will charge a fixed rate contingency fee if doing so makes sense for a specific case.
  • Hourly fee: When employment lawyers bill by the hour, they may do so on a sliding scale or not. They may charge one rate for the hours they personally spend working on your case and one rate if a paralegal or administrative assistant spends time working on your case.

Why do Los Angeles Employment Lawyers Charge Different Rates?

Employment law attorneys charge different rates and fee ranges based on a number of factors.

Complex matters that require a significant time investment are usually billed at higher rates, but this is not necessarily the case in sliding scale and low-percentage or rate contingency cases.

Similarly, Los Angeles employment attorneys who have more experience and are based in cities with a higher cost of living tend to charge more than recent law school graduates and rural attorneys do. It is wholly reasonable to ask an employment lawyer why they charge the rates they do and why they structure their fees in a certain way.

Additionally, no matter how an employment attorney structures their fees, this fee information should be provided upfront. You should never sign an attorney-client agreement until you understand how you will be charged for a lawyer’s services.

Are You Dealing with an Employment Violation in Los Angeles?

As an employee, you deserve to have a safe and fair workplace.

Unfortunately, not all employers adhere to the laws that protect workers.

Violations of employment laws in California can and do occur. If you find yourself a victim of an employer’s violations, it’s time to speak with a Los Angeles employment attorney.

You may find yourself in disbelief that your employer has violated the law, but rest assured that our knowledgeable attorneys are here to help.

Employment Laws in California are Complex and Ever-Changing

The laws that govern the workplace in California are constantly changing and evolving, making it difficult for employers and employees alike to keep up with the latest regulations.

Having an understanding of employment law is key to protecting your rights and ensuring that you are treated fairly.

This complexity can make it difficult for employees and workers to understand their rights and what they should do if their rights are violated by their employer.

Below are just a few of the employment laws that you should be familiar with:

How a Los Angeles Employment Lawyer Can Help Employees

An employment attorney can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout every stage of an employment dispute. There are various different state and federal laws that employers and employees must follow. Employment lawyers are up-to-date on these laws and can help interpret them in a way that is beneficial for their client’s cases.

Not only will an employment attorney be able to help you understand your employee rights, but they can also tell you if you have a legitimate claim. Furthermore, they may even be able to estimate how much money in damages you could potentially receive.

If an employee decides to file a lawsuit, their Los Angeles employment lawyer will be able to represent them in court and work towards getting them the best possible outcome.

IMPORTANT: State and federal agency findings during an investigation are not binding in court. This means that even if an agency decides there is no evidence of an employment law violation, an employee can still file a private lawsuit against their employer.

Investigations done by these state and federal agencies don’t always find legitimate employment law violations. There simply isn’t enough time or resources for these agencies to fully investigate every claim.

Additionally, the laws that these agencies enforce are constantly changing. This can make it difficult for even the most experienced investigators to keep up.

An employment attorney has an arsenal of tools to help build a case, such as requesting employer documents that state and federal agencies may not have access to. They can also depose witnesses, take advantage of other discovery tools ,and uncover evidence of the employer’s wrongdoing .

This can be invaluable for employees who are already feeling overwhelmed by their workplace situation.

The California Fair Employment and Housing Act

The California Fair Employment and Housing Act, which has been renamed The Civil Rights Department (CRD), is responsible for enforcing state laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or employee because of a protected characteristic or class.

You can read more about the California Fair Employment and Housing Act here.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The Family and Medical Leave Act is a federal law that protects the rights of employees who need to take time off from work due to medical or family issues.

Under this law, eligible employees can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave within a 12 month period for certain qualifying reasons. It is important to understand the rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees under this law.

You can read more about the Family and Medical Leave Act here.

The California Labor Code

The California Labor Code is a set of laws that govern the workplace in California, including minimum wage, overtime pay, hours worked, vacation and sick leave, discrimination and harassment.

It is important to understand these laws in order to protect yourself from unjust workplace practices by employers.

You can read more about the California Labor Code here.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a federal law that prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This law also applies to harassment and retaliation by employers.

You can read more about Title VII here.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

The Fair Labor Standards Act is a federal law that sets the standards for minimum wage, overtime pay, and other employment laws. This law applies to all employers in the United States and is enforced by The Department of Labor.

You can read more about the Fair Labor Standards Act here.

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act is a federal law that makes it illegal for employers to discriminate against employees or job applicants based on age. This law applies to people who are 40 years of age or older and protects them from discrimination by employers.

You can read more about the Age Discrimination in Employment Act here.

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

The Occupational Safety and Health Act is a federal law that requires employers to provide safe working conditions for their employees. Employers must adhere to the standards set by OSHA or they will face penalties and fines.

This can be especially important for employees in hazardous or physically demanding jobs, such as construction and factory workers.

You can read more about the Occupational Safety and Health Act here.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Americans with Disabilities Act is a federal law that prohibits employers from discriminating against qualified individuals with disabilities. This law requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for employees and job applicants with disabilities.

You can read more about the Americans with Disabilities Act here.

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN)

The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act is a federal law that requires employers to provide employees with at least 60 days advance notice of mass layoffs, plant closings, or any other business closures. This law provides employees the opportunity to plan for the future and seek out new employment.

You can read more about the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act here.

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)

The National Labor Relations Act is a federal law that grants employees the right to join or form unions, engage in collective bargaining with employers, and take part in other activities for the purpose of collective bargaining. This law protects employees from unfair practices by employers.

You can read more about the National Labor Relations Act here.

Whistleblower and Retaliation Laws

California has several laws to protect whistleblowers and employees who are retaliated against for exercising their rights under the law. These laws make it illegal for employers to retaliate against an employee for reporting or opposing illegal behavior in the workplace.

You can read more about whistleblower and retaliation laws here.

Eldessouky Law – We Fight For Your Rights

When you have been treated unfairly at work, you need an advocate on your side who will fight for your rights. Federal and California state laws protect employees from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in the workplace. If your employer has violated these laws, you may be eligible for financial compensation.

The Los Angeles employment lawyers at Eldessouky Law are fully committed to representing employees throughout California. Our diligent defense of workers has led to Super Lawyer recognition and designation as one of the best employment attorneys in Los Angeles County.

Speak to Our Los Angeles Employment Lawyers for Legal Advice

At Eldessouky Law, we understand how intimidating and harrowing a workplace problem can be. When you contact our office, we listen carefully and compassionately to your situation without judgment. If you have a good case for compensation, we will get to work immediately and you will not owe us anything unless we recover compensation for you.

The longer you wait to discuss your case with a Los Angeles employment lawyer, the more difficult it is to prove your claim. There are statutes of limitations and filing requirements that must be met based on the type of violation and when it occurred—and if you miss a deadline, your claim might be barred from the court. 

Contact Our Los Angeles Employment Attorneys Today for a Free Consultation

Are you suffering from workplace inequality? Eldessouky Law can help you fight for your rights and get the justice you deserve.

The first step is to contact our office and schedule a free consultation. Our confidential, no-cost consultations allow you to get the information and advice you need without risking anything. Call us at (714) 409-8991 to have our Los Angeles employment lawyers review your case and advise you of your legal options.

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